Friday, September 28, 2007

Strange Happenings

For some reason the blog I started has dissappeared and this one has appeared ??????? Don't ask me!
I am on holidays now, whooppee. I am really looking forward to not having to go to work for 2 weeks. I should be able to get lots of scrapping done, as well as going to the dentist, getting the car washed and its AC fan fixed, getting a tradesman to fix the taps etc. All the things you don't get time to do when you work full time.
I am also looking forward to getting out on the garden in the backyard... it looks like Beirut after the bombimg. The dogs are diggingg holes everywhere and Hugo manages to go to the toilet on everything so it is all dying! Charming. And the weeds!!!!!!
Can't wait to see if this posts : )

1 comment:

Alison said...

Hey, chicky. I've tagged you!! A good excuse to blog. :)